Saturday, June 13, 2009

PLEASE, No Explosives on the Bridge!

Man, I am exhausted! Today, some family members and I played hooky and went out to San Francisco for a day trip. Super fun! We went to the Exploratory where me and my little cousin Dylan (age 4) got to touch Sea Urchins and Starfish. We also saw albino alligators, angry rattlesnakes and cute little penguins! Then, we went to Pier 39 and had yummy shrimp cocktail and bread bowls. My cousin Ellie (age 3) and I literally skipped down the Pier to see the Sea Lions, or Seals, as she insisted. At the end of the day, Dylan feed the pigeons his bread leftover from lunch while Ellie chased them away yelling "Caww! Caww!". Then Emma (age 2) picked all the flowers from the potted plants and turned them into mulch and Eli (age 1.5) tried to pick up the bread from the ground that the pigeons didn't eat and eat it himself. You may be wondering, where were these kid's adult supervision during this craziness? I'll tell you. We were there watching, laughing and not wanting to spoil their fun. Plus, we were tired and for once, they were entertaining themselves! On the way home, just as we were getting on the Bay Bridge, there was a sign that said "PLEASE, no explosives on the Bridge." My Aunt April told our car, sarcastically, that we couldn't keep the explosives we had in our pockets. Little Ellie was sitting next to me and I leaned over to her and told her to throw away her explosives. She looked at me with a conspiratorial look in her eyes and a smirk on her face and said "Hee Hee!" and looked away quickly. So funny! I'm going to miss that little girl when she has to go back to North Carolina! Anyways, my summer school classes are doing really well. I'm 1/4 of the way done and noticing how much work they like to squeeze in. I have no doubt I can handle it though. Oh yeah! Big thing that happened! I realized yesterday that on my current schooling plan, I will only be one class away from having a double major! So, I worked some stuff out, moved some classes around and now, December 16th, 2010 I will be graduating from Sacramento City College with an A.A. in Communications and an A.A. in Liberal Arts with an emphasis in Arts and Humanities! And the best part is, I'll only be 19! I know 22 year olds still working on that! I'm so excited! So, this weekend I'll be working on getting homework done for my classes so that I can get a good grade in these classes and get them out of the way. More later this week...I hope!

1 comment:

  1. you are so COOL! and smart! i wanna be like you when i grow up! no...really...i do! you go girl! i really like exclamation points!!! :)
